Kodo "Iridori"
Master Drummers of the Dagbon (Rounder Records)
Kenya & Tanzania: Witchcraft & Ritual Music (Elektra Nonesuch)
Delerium "Karma" (Nettwerk 1997) -- gorgeous ethereal music
Eric Serra: Soundtrack to La Femme Nikita(Varese Sarabande 1991) Moody instrumental album
Lords of Acid"Lust" (Antler Subway, 1991) Rough sex to a techno beat
Peter Gabriel "Passion" (Geffen, 1989)Moody instrumentals
Sarah McLachlan"Fumbling TowardsEcstacy"
Deep Forest "Bohemia"
"Lush Mechanique" by Jami Sieber. A mix of acoustic and electric cello.
Robin "Adnan" Anders "Blue Buddah" Really incredible trance drumming.
"Blink" Soundtrack It lulls you in, then turns evil, just the thing for a sensual sadist.
Richard Souther"Illumination"
Boiled in Lead. Instrumental dance tunes.
"The Dig" Soundtrack
"The Crow" Soundtrack
Berlin "Pleasure Victim"
Adiemus "Sounds of Sanctuary"
Mozart Requiem
Wolf Soundtrack
Steve Halpern Islands in Time
Vas: Sunyata by Narada Records
Balanescu Quartet Angels and Insects
Michael Nyman Prospero's Books; The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover
Die Form L'ame electrique, Suspiria de Profundis
Miranda Sex Garden Madra, Iris, Suspiria
Throbbing Gristle Heathen Earth
Diamanda Galas The Divine Punishment & Saint of the Pit
Cocteau Twins Blue Bell Knoll
Prodigy The Fat of the Land
Crass: Batamotel song
Chris and Cosey Exotica & Trust
Meat Beat Manifesto 99%, Satyricon
Ministry Jesus Built My Hotrod & Just One Fix
ClockDVA The Hacker/The Act & Man-Amplified
Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel Nail, Thaw + Flesh Volcano
Steroid Maximus Quilombo& Gondwanaland
Lydia Lunch 13.13, StinkFist, The Crumb & Don't Fear the Reaper
Dave Ball In strict tempo
Coil The Snow EP, Scatology, Love's Secret Domain, Panic EP & How to Destroy Angels
Vanessa Daou "Zipless" & "The Daou" Sky Cries Mary "A Return to the Inner Experience"
Gabriel Roth and the Mirrors: "Trance","Initiation", "Tongues" & "Luna". Tancy with a heavy beat and only occasional vocals which are entirely unobtrusive.
David Arkenstone "Quest of the Dream Warrior"
Hilary Stagg "Dream Spiral"
Switchblade Symphony "Serpentine Gallery"
Patrick O'Hearn "Indigo"
Melissa Manchester "If My Heart Had Wings
Bernward Koch "Flowing" (Real Music)
Elephant Man Soundtrack
The Cure Disintegration
Keiko Matsui"Dream Walk"
Diva Soundtrack
Art of Noise"The Ambient Collection"
Soundtrack from "Until the End of the World"
The Crystal Method"Vegas"
Genitorture "120 Days of Genitorture
Robert Miles "Dreamland" & "23 am"
(album) Xandria - Neverworld's End
(cd) Sugarcoma - Becoming Something else